Juan Linares-Lanzman

Collaborator of the DigiDoc Research Group (UPF)


Juan Linares-Lanzman holds a PhD in Communication and a Master in Social Communication (Pompeu Fabra University). Juan has been Executive Editor of the Hipertext.net Yearbook from 2014 to 2017 and part of the Scientific Council of the journal. He is a collaborator of the DigiDoc Research Group (UPF). Through his involvement in this group, he has been involved in the organization of seminars, workshops, congresses and conferences as well as in the design and application of protocols for analyzing the quality of online media. At the UOC, he carries out research-action tasks in the Tecnopolítica network and in the Communication Networks & Social Change group. He is part of the Decidim Team, from where the Decidim.barcelona participation platform and the Decidim technopolitical project have been promoted.
© Decidim Barcelona, Ajuntament Barcelona-collective-intelligence-democracy

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Collective intelligence and digital participatory platforms: learnings from Barcelona´s DECIDIM

By channeling the collective intelligence of the many, Decidim seeks to better and more fairly include societal actors into policy co-production

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