Chiara Rosselli

Executive Director at APROPOS Group, Head of the Open European Dialogue, Vice President of Sistema Italia Adaptive Leadership association and alumna of Sciences Po.


Chiara Rosselli is the Head of the Open European Dialogue, Europe’s first cross-party and cross-border dialogue platform for politicians, and Executive Director of APROPOS-Advancing Process in Politics. She has been leading efforts to innovate the way we think of political dialogue spaces and collaboration tools in the think tank and political space since 2015.

Chiara took on the leadership of the Open European Dialogue in 2015 and has since been developing the methodology supporting Europe’s first informal dialogue space for elected politicians. In 2021 she was the lead designer of the Policy Design Sprint, a 6-week intense collaboration program for parliamentarians across borders, which led to the recognition of the Open European Dialogue as a global best-practice for cross-border collaboration and innovation by the OECD.

She is the author of the policy paper “Avoiding System Failure: How Process Design Can Help Fix Politics”. In 2023 she co-founded the APROPOS Group which has become the institutional home of the Open European Dialogue and is leading efforts to research, implement and disseminate new tools for better political collaboration and communication under the methodological framework of Political Process Design.

Chiara also serves as Lead Mentor for Veracura Social Impact Accelerator and is President of Sistema Italia Adaptive Leadership Association.

find out more about Chiara’s work and the work of APROPOS in this podcast.

Chiara's chapter

Unlocking the collaborative potential of national parliaments : the Open European Dialogue

The “Open European Dialogue” (previously “Mercator European Dialogue”) was piloted in 2013 and initiated in 2014, originally to mitigate the North-South divide within the European Union (EU) following the financial crisis of the late 2000s. Inspired by the toolbox of international diplomacy, the Stiftung Mercator developed a safe space for exchanging ideas and building trust among members of national parliaments across the EU. Ever since, multiple methods of collective intelligence have been deployed in order to enable a better connection and cooperation between European lawmakers and to foster a deeper understanding of different perspectives. The Open European Dialogue is the EU’s first cross-party, cross-border informal network of elected politicians.

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