Stephen Boucher is the founder and CEO of Dreamocracy, a consultancy group that fosters collective creativity for the common good (more: There, he designs and manages multi-stakeholder collaborative processes and events, as well as creativity processes for public authorities, political parties, Members of Parliament, advocacy groups, think tanks and NGOs in Europe and internationally.
A Harvard Kennedy School of Government and Sciences Po Paris graduate, he is the author of several books on political creativity, think tanks, and energy policy. He was previously CEO of, director for EU policy at the European Climate Foundation, co-director of the Jacques Delors Institute, ministerial adviser in the Belgian federal government and public affairs consultant in London and Brussels. He teaches on matters related to policy innovation at the Free University of Brussels (ULB), Sciences Po in Paris, and the Centre International de Formation Européenne (CIFE). He sits on the board of Mindpool, the European Citizen Action Service, the Council on Economic Policies, and Europe’s People’s Forum.