Deliberative policymaking: how vTaiwan engaged its citizens in policymaking during Covid-19
An online deliberation platform for stakeholders to remove deadlocks on thorny policy-making issues
Collective Intelligence methods help us find solutions that are superior to any of the solutions that any individual members could come up with.
CI excels when it comes to solving new and complex problems that trump what we used to know and require us to combine different types of knowledge and perspectives.
An online deliberation platform for stakeholders to remove deadlocks on thorny policy-making issues
A story on what makes mediation efforts succesful.
By channeling the collective intelligence of the many, Decidim seeks to better and more fairly include societal actors into policy co-production
A participatory platform that enables people to share and discuss issues with one another via voice messages, using simple mobile phones that do not require any Internet connectivity
The time-tested ingredients for succesful public calls for innovation
A 3 staged participatory budgeting model to get practical ideas from students
To uncover and heal grievances on public issues, Jan Sunwai use a public hearing format and skilled facilitators to guide debate and emotions.
How the UK’s successfully reduced youth crime with smarter insitutions that delegate power and encourage experimentation
What if youth labeled as “juvenile delinquents” can instead be engaged as key stakeholders in resolving challenges in their communities?
How a regional adminisatration harnessed citizens insights to design a development plan, and why it failed
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