More legitimate and impactful policy: how Gentofte enhanced dialogue between citizens and politicians
Policy mistakes are costly, but Political Task Committees can make dialogue between citizens and politicians more inclusive and productive.
“What I realized is that we make so many mistakes because we don’t talk to the people who actually use the service.”
This observation was made by the mayor of Gentofte, a city north of Copenhagen. In order to ensure that public policy is as effective and legitimate as possible, he opted to fundamentally transform the decision-making process by fostering a new approach to dialogue between citizens and politicians: the introduction of “Political Task Committees” (PTCs).
PTCs represent a successful example of hybrid processes that effectively bring citizens and politicians together in a strategic manner to enhance policy-making. Another recent example emerged from the Wallonia region of Belgium: the Deliberative Committees. Thirty citizens, chosen by random selection, collaborated with ten Walloon MPs as part of a committee tasked with considering citizens’ proposals over six sessions. Together, they addressed the question: “How can we engage Walloons in decision-making processes in a deliberative and enduring manner, drawing inspiration from the ongoing citizen dialogue present in the German-speaking Community, which operates through random selection?”.
Smarter Together’s webinar discussed this important democratic innovation relying on Collective Intelligence’s principles.
Successful examples of hybrid processes were explained and discussed by:
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Policy mistakes are costly, but Political Task Committees can make dialogue between citizens and politicians more inclusive and productive.
Insights from the first ever Deliberative Committee set up by the Parliament of Wallonia and designed by our partner organization Dreamocracy.
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