David García Leal

Economist and PhD student in Sociology of Organizations


David Leal García is an economist (UC3M). He holds a PhD in Sociology (University of Barcelona). David is a system innovation consultant and dialogue facilitator passionate about unleashing collective intelligence to tackle our greatest challenges, with 12 years of experience helping public bodies, companies and leaders to catalyze change in the frontlines in fields ranging from refugee inclusion, rural development, entrepreneurship development, Education 4.0, sustainable agriculture to public health promotion. He is a fellow researcher of the Communication Networks & Social Change research group at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, where he looks into improving policy-making processes through the citizen engagement platform www.decidim.org. David has helped to design and execute participatory processes at MedialabPrado, Altekio, SenseTribe, and Platoniq. He has experience as a teacher in the leadership studies field at Universidad Isabel I and works as the spokesperson in Spain for several high-level initiatives such as the Innovation in Politics Awards, the European Capital of Democracy and the Jeder Mensch: New Rights for a New Europe campaigns.
© Decidim Barcelona, Ajuntament Barcelona-collective-intelligence-democracy

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Collective intelligence and digital participatory platforms: learnings from Barcelona´s DECIDIM

By channeling the collective intelligence of the many, Decidim seeks to better and more fairly include societal actors into policy co-production

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